
臺灣藝術大學畫系講師、臺灣工筆畫學會理事長張克齊,為台灣少數長年堅持以工筆花鳥、走獸為創作道途的畫家,他自國立台灣師範大學美術系畢業後,便專注潛心於研究國畫,曾以作品《舞鶴》獲北京中國工筆畫學會第一屆大展「金義獎」 和作品《舐犢情深》獲全日水墨大展參議院議長獎。專心注目畫牡丹 張克齊出生於南投埔里,他在師大美術系山水組第一名畢業,畫作題材含括寫意、工筆、山水。張克齊一度追隨國畫名家喻仲林學習染色技巧,喻老師建議他若想在繪畫領域有一番成就,最好努力專攻一項,自能開創一片天,他接受教誨,專攻花鳥工筆畫。因為畫鳥,所以家中的陽台養了幾集品種珍貴的緣鳩,方便用來臨摹寫生之用。

Ko-Chi Chang was born on 1950 in Nantou, Taiwan. He graduated with a major in fine arts from Chinese Culture University of Arts. Besides, master Chang has a great standing in fine-brushwork painting. His artworks is cherished and collected by many collectors at home as well as abroad. His glorious experiences are as follows:

1988 “Dancing Cranes” won the Gold Hairpin Award at the Beijing Chinese,1990 “The Cow’s Affections Towards its Calf” won the President of the Senate Award at the Japan Ink Painting Grand Exhibition. Zodiac series works was selected for the Central Bank of the ROC’s commemorative coins and awarded the 49th Chinese literature and art medal.