
張進勇 1959~2021




2001 年開始彩瓷創作,在瓷畫中,他更用心地去尋找多種釉彩堆疊的特殊效果,將雨後天際線上的瞬間美感,淋漓盡致地傳達出來,豐富了彩瓷創作,也帶來新的風格與表現。

Chang Chin-Yung attended the National Academy of Arts, received a Masters Degree from National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) and currently works in the Department of Painting and Calligraphy Arts at NTUA. Chang’s works are mainly modern splash ink paintings and have received numerous art awards in Taiwan. The artist has been an avid painter since he was young, favoring depictions of mountain forests and valleys or vistas of sea and sky, using his unique automatic splash technique to fully convey the passion and magnificence of nature. Chang also takes the “sound of nature” his works represent and imbues them with an excellence that moves by viewers.