
高義瑝 1956 年出生


創作以彩墨山水畫為主,擅長描繪鄉村田野的生活與大山大水的景觀。早年曾於窯場彩繪瓷器,約於2001 年至臺華窯開始彩瓷創作。以東西方融合的寫實技巧,如魔幻般地將現實景色中的紛擾給淨化了,如其恬淡豁達性格,從畫面裡散發一股自在清新的氣氛,彷彿身歷其境,聽到蟲鳴鳥叫、看到炊煙裊裊、聞到泥土稻香,令人心曠神怡。


Yi-Huang Gao, born in 1956, graduated from National Taiwan Normal University Department of Fine Arts Research (Master Degree ). His works have won national awards and widely collected by private collectors. Landscapes, rural scenery are the main theme in his ink painting. These material content of building ,mountain, river, and falls, which generally appear in the works describing ideal life, are associated with concept of Feng Shui of Chinese culture, to express unique of life cultivation and natural philosophy of oriental thought.