
白丰中 1959 年出生


從事彩墨、油畫創作。2000 年開始創作彩瓷。



白丰中對於花鳥的創作有著獨特的理解,他認為傳統與現代不是對峙的,而是相輔助相成的,他們永遠在互助與依賴中傳承並突破,也永遠在吸收與回饋中超越並昇華。他認為中華民族是一個非常懂得使用色彩的民族,色彩體現了民族的情感與智慧。以“民族性的色彩”與“文化性的造型” 為經線,白豐中在現代視覺構成的基礎上譜寫了他燦爛的而又激揚的四季交響曲。

Pai Feng-Chung   Born in 1959
Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese Culture University and Guo Yi-Cong(郭怡孮)Flower and Bird Painting Seminar from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, now taking advanced study in Peking University School of Arts, he has engrossed himself in Chinese color painting and oil painting for decades, while in 2000 giving his first try on porcelain painting. Pai was born in Changhua, the flower city, where he shared deep feelings with hometown flowers and plants, birds and worms, putting them as his themes ever since he attended junior high studying agronomy. Painting from life to impressions and from natural scenery to mental image, Pai converses with the homeland in the language of different flowers blossoming in respective seasons. These love words of painting, expressed in bold colors and lines, carry the passion and exuberance of life, with no sacrifice on the elegance.